Sachin Dev Duggal’s Leadership in AI Innovation: and Empowering Businesses

Sachin Dev Duggal believes in the ethical use of AI and insists on incorporating ethical considerations into AI projects. Through his guidance, works towards ensuring that there is wider accessibility to AI technologies by breaking down barriers that have always left advanced AI tools out of reach for many people. Focusing on user privacy, fairness, and responsible AI, sets new standards for ethical practices and the application of AI, reinforcing its position as a change driver using science.

His leadership at goes beyond just technological advancements; instead, it also has a greater impact on society at large. By empowering small, medium, and large businesses to embrace digital transformation and speed up their growth, Duggal’s vision for the future of software development is reshaping it. is fostering innovation that enriches the workforce and paves the way for continuous growth and success through collaborative opportunities at work and a human-centered leadership culture.
