Sachin Dev Duggal - Closing the Education Divide: How Cloud Computing is Revolutionizing Learning in India

The accelerated expansion of technology is influencing every facet of our lives, even in countries like India where specific domains such as health and e-commerce are witnessing rapid technological advancements. However, the adoption of technology in other sectors, particularly education, has been relatively sluggish.

Although educational institutions have adopted various technological tools like PowerPoint presentations, video lectures, and projectors, their integration with Information Technology (IT) infrastructure remains limited. This is especially true for schools, which often exhibit a narrow strategic outlook when it comes to technology implementation.

This slow pace of technological adoption in education can be attributed to several factors. One reason is the traditional mindset of educators who may not be fully aware of the potential benefits that technology can bring to the learning process. Another reason could be the lack of resources and financial constraints faced by many schools in adopting cutting-edge technology. - By Sachin Dev Duggal

Know More : Bridging India’s Education Gaps with Cloud Computing By Sachin Dev Duggal
